50th Anniversary of Earth Day. What Inspires you?

April 22, 2020 marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth day.

We’d like to share some books that have inspired our work at ASK* for a Better World. Hopefully, while you self-isolate or take pause from work, some of these works may inspire you! We know we still have a lot of work to do to become better stewards of planet Earth.

Books that Inspired our values, our life and our dreams.

What are some of your favourite books? Or ones that nifluenced your life?

Take this time to read! And to revisit your process, reimagine your work and impact on our environment. Now is the time, while we reconfigure our new world, to engage us in helping you with Lean culture, training and readying your work/workplace for a more productive, effective and ecologically-sensitive future. We can show you how to reimagine design process, collaboration and architecture by going slow now, to go FAST. ASK* for a Better World.

BONUS: Check out what we found on our walk, just before Earth day! An amazing family of owls in Edmonton’s river valley.